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Ebook for making grease without heat

Price : $1050
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A practical ebook production of cold grease without use tallow or heat
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Practical book in cold grease manufacturing:
Do you want to open a new project and achieve high profits with the most profitable project in the field of grease manufacturing? Now a practical book has been issued for cold grease manufacturing without using tallow, as cold grease is characterized by its heat resistance, has no drop point, and is good water resistance.

This grease made using base oil and other materials and this ebook includes:

♦️ Identifying raw materials with photos, details, and their proportions.
♦️ Identifying the manufacturing steps in detail.

Ebook is a practical course prepared by experts specialized in the field, and the book teaches the practical method of making cold grease in practical and easy ways, as the book is of high value and its real price is $ 5000, which is excellent for factory owners who work in this field.

This price offer valid until 10 days and eboo availabe at english or arabic language


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